Demi Bumi Rumpun Laptop Sleeves
This ReBumi collection is the result of a collaboration between Demibumi which focuses on environmental issues and Du Anyam which focuses on socio-economic issues.
Combined with two types of materials, namely leftover window curtains from Demibumi and woven palm leaves typical of East Flores from Du Anyam, which produces an authentic combination and makes it a unique new innovation.
The production carries ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) principles and produces the name Rumpun which is inspired by 2 different materials combined into 1 product.
Just like Demibumi and Du Anyam, which are 2 different entities but have the same goal, namely a bond of unity. It is hoped that this collaboration can unite energy and joint action to preserve the environment and increase the economic empowerment of Indonesian women.
*Available in several color choices such as white, brown, gray and black, however due to limited raw materials, goods will be sent according to existing color availability.
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